Analisis Energi Phase Change Material (PCM) Eutetic Berdasarkan Proses Charging Dan Discharging


  • Mochammad Akbar Munin Putra
  • Innaufa Qonita Firdaus Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur
  • Dessy Ariyanti Universitas Diponegoro
  • Erwan Adi Saputro Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jawa Timur


Charging; Discharging; Encapsulasi; Eutetic; Phase Change Material (PCM)


Energy storage materials are now considered as a promising technology to support Indonesia's growing energy needs. One way is to use Phase Change Material (PCM) based thermal energy storage. Phase Change Material is a type of heat energy storage that is able to maintain temperature within a certain time limit. In this study the PCM used was eutetic with a mixture of ingredients, namely water, salt, Acetic Acid and tapioca flour. Where the material was chosen because it is an organic material, easy to obtain, inexpensive and has characteristics that support it for use as a low temperature storage application. The purpose of this study is to determine the energy stored in certain PCM processes. The PCM manufacturing process involves mixing all the ingredients in a magnetic stirrer at 70°C for 5 minutes. then, the PCM application stage is to determine the temperature change during the Charging (Freezing) and Discharging (melting) processes. In this study the heat storage (Q) of PCM 1, PCM 2, and water PCM/ice cubes samples was 494.51 kJ/kg; 489.91 kJ/kg; and 463.13 kJ/kg. So that it can be written that the material composition of PCM 1 has a greater energy storage value compared to conventional PCM/ice cubes. 




How to Cite

Putra, M. A. M., Firdaus, I. Q., Ariyanti, D., & Saputro, E. A. (2023). Analisis Energi Phase Change Material (PCM) Eutetic Berdasarkan Proses Charging Dan Discharging. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Soebardjo Brotohardjono, 19(1). Retrieved from